I see my role as one of helping the client access their own inner wisdom and truth, rather than me imposing my own ideas. I incorporate aspects from Mindfulness in the way I work, as I have found this very beneficial for improving psychological wellbeing. The particular Theoretical approaches informing me are:
Attachment and Object Relations - I am indebted to John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory and aspects of Object Relations Theory (particularly the work of Donald Winnicott). I find their insights into early and often unconscious childhood influences and patterns really helpful.
Gestalt - This experimental and holistic way of working (as pioneered by Fritz Perls) fits very well with experiential, arts-based approaches, and is a really helpful way of developing deeper awareness of oneself and the world around.
The Arts - my training in the arts at the Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education (IATE) was extensive, and I am inspired by Carl Jung as probably the greatest pioneer of creative arts therapy, alongside more recent thinkers such as Shaun Mc Niff and Steven Levine.
TA (Transactional Analysis) – I find Eric Berne’s way of looking at human personality, roles and communication very useful and accessible.
'Thank you for the creative bits. I found they brought out thoughts and reflections I hadn't realised were there..'
(comments from a client)